Querida Cochabamba:

…Another Day, Another Destiny

Filed under: Uncategorized — Laurel at 3:11 pm on Sunday, July 14, 2013

Well, the time has come for my last blog post. Tomorrow is my last day of work. I can hardly believe it. I miss my family and friends, but I also wish I had more time with the children. It’s such a mix of conflicting emotions. My task for my last blog post is to discuss the connection between this experience and my life in the United States.

It is going to be very difficult to do so and please my Dad (if you are confused, please read my previous blog post 🙂 ).

So, I will keep this brief for now and then perhaps update this once I get back in the States.

As many of you know, I came into this experience very very conflicted about whether I want to be a teacher or a doctor. One thing that I was hoping to gain from this experience was a better understanding of in what direction I should head. Practically from the beginning, I decided that I wanted to do something with children for sure. I’ve already explained in previous posts how much there is to learn from them (and one of our goals in life should be to never stop learning, right?) and I really enjoy working with them.

For many reasons that I can’t explain right now, I am very much leaning now more towards becoming a pediatrician. My dream would be to become a pediatrician and then serve communities much like the one I have been serving for the past two months. Without this experience, I’m not sure if I would have been able to come to that conclusion.

Also, I have been inspired to do some more research into the various forms of childcare and their effectiveness, so I will be doing that once I return to the States as well.

I really want to be able to write more, but I’m afraid this is all I can say for now. Thank you all very much for following my blog, for skyping with me, for praying for me, for giving me your love. It really means a lot to me. I can’t wait to see all of you again soon. 🙂

Chau for now!

Laurel Bingman

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