Querida Cochabamba:

More Thoughts on my Purpose

Filed under: Uncategorized — Laurel at 11:49 am on Wednesday, June 12, 2013

So, after another day of working with this new dynamic of having another volunteer with me am I still questioning the value of my service? Yes, but not in the same way. In looking at the children, I could see my purpose. I could see it in their eyes, hear it in their voices. My presence at the orphanage does make a difference, but now questioning the value of my service is about improvement, not about whether or not I have any value at all. And that makes a huge difference. Now it’s time to evaluate myself in the way of how best can I help, and not only that, but how best can I contribute to this team. Mac gave me some great advice suggesting that I focus more on collaboration rather than division of duties. Collaboration still requires a recognition of strengths and weaknesses, but its much more about building off of one another rather than allocating separate jobs. We actually already started this yesterday. We were both the teachers and both at the same time, but we expanded on what the other one said (and she helped me find the words I was looking for sometimes). It made for a great lesson and I can’t wait to do it again today.

Until next time.


Laurel Bingman

P.S. I apologize to anyone who worried about me after my last post. Please don’t worry! I’ve been encountering many challenges, some more difficult than others, but I am in no way unhappy here. This is just a way for me to organize my thoughts and share them with you. So, no worries. With my job, I basically get to sing and play guitar all day. I’m doing just fine 🙂

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