Querida Cochabamba:

More Thoughts on the Local Perspective

Filed under: Uncategorized — Laurel at 11:35 am on Monday, May 27, 2013

Over the past few days, I’ve been thinking a lot about my host mom’s story, especially today which is Mother’s Day here in Cochabamba. The more time I spend here, the more I find that I still have so much left to learn. Every day is a learning experience for me, be it learning how to use the public transportation, to learning how to communicate better in Spanish, to learning how to play and sing traditional Bolivian songs. Honestly, this past week I did way more learning than teaching. At first, this bothered me a bit because I felt that I wasn’t really helping in any way; however, now I’m realizing how in needing and recognizing that I need the children to teach me, I’m helping in a different way .

That feeling of helplessness and ignorance that I felt initially is probably one that many of the children experience everytime a volunteer comes in to teach them something. After a while, this complete dependence on other people can take its toll on our self esteem. Only after realizing that someone needs us for something, that we actually have something to contribute does our self esteem start to rise again. It’s exactly this desire to be needed that drives us to do so much of what we do for other people. Therefore, rather than running away from the things I know that I don’t know much about or don’t understand very well, I’ll ask the children what they think, what they know about it. I’ll show my recognition of my need for them and their experience not only through this blog, but also in my lessons and in my day to day work at the orphanage. I’ll have to sacrifice my self esteem a bit as I admit to my failings, but hopefully, in doing so I’ll be able to show them how much they truly are needed and loved.

Until next time!


Laurel Bingman

P.S. I want to say a quick thank you to my family. Thank you for always being there for me and showing your constant love and support. And shoutout to Bekah for graduating this past weekend. ¡Congrats, mi primahermana! Can’t wait to talk to you all again soon!

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