Querida Cochabamba:

May 27, 2013

More Thoughts on the Local Perspective

Filed under: Uncategorized — Laurel @ 11:35 am

Over the past few days, I’ve been thinking a lot about my host mom’s story, especially today which is Mother’s Day here in Cochabamba. The more time I spend here, the more I find that I still have so much left to learn. Every day is a learning experience for me, be it learning how […]

May 23, 2013

Understanding the Local Perspective

Filed under: Uncategorized — Laurel @ 10:49 am

I talked with my host mom yesterday about her perspective on the lives of orphans in Cochabamba, and she said she didn´t really know that much, but she did know that at an orphanage near where she used to teach English most of the children were not “orphans” in how we think of orphans, children […]

Random Acts of Kindness

Filed under: Uncategorized — Laurel @ 10:34 am

Hope everyone is doing well! So far I´m loving it in Cochabamba, and it all started with my plane flights. What I expected to be one of the scariest parts of the trip for me was actually pretty nice. On every flight there were kind people who were more than willing to help me. First, […]

May 17, 2013

One Day More…

Filed under: Uncategorized — Laurel @ 9:21 am

Another day another destiny! (For the enjoyment of all the Les Mis fans out there haha) Hello everyone! I leave tomorrow for Cochabamba, Bolivia and I’m super excited/anxious/nervous (but mostly excited). I can’t wait to meet my host family, my coworkers, and the children I’ll be working with. I know it will be a super […]

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